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6.5 ActiveMQ 安全小结

 6.5 ActiveMQ 安全小结

In this chapter, the ActiveMQ broker was secured from non-authenticated and nonauthorizedaccess. For the most simple purposes, you can use the ActiveMQ simpleauthentication plug-in, allowing you to define security credentials directly into theconfiguration file. The ActiveMQ JAAS plug-ins provide the ability to utilize the standardizedJava login modules via simple configuration, allowing you to authenticateusers from various sources, such as LDAP, properties files, and so on. Additionally, customJAAS login modules can be created for use with other authentication or authorizationschemes such as Kerberos, NTLM, NIS, and so forth.

 6.5 Summary

本章中,ActiveMQ代理使用了安全机制以避免对未认证实体对ActiveMQ代理进行未授权访问.大多数情况下,你可以使用ActiveMQ的简单认证插件,该插件允许直接在配置文件中定义安全凭证.使用JAAS插件通过简单的配置就可以已用标准的Java登陆模块对来自各种地方的用户进行认证,包含LDAP,属性文件等等.另外,也可以创建并使用采用了诸如Kerberos, NTLM, NIS等认证授权策略的自定义JAAS登陆模块.

Operation-level authorization was also demonstrated for more fine-grained controlover destinations. Next we demonstrated message-level authorization by creating a custompolicy to control consumption of a given message. Then we demonstrated theActiveMQ plug-in mechanism through the customized IP-based authentication example.Finally, we demonstrated how to configure the broker for certificate-based security.ActiveMQ provides some powerful security mechanisms, as seen in this chapter.Hopefully the process for utilizing these solutions is more clear after walking throughthe examples.


With this chapter, we’ve finished the first part of the book that explained ActiveMQbasics and various concepts regarding configuring the broker. In the following part ofthe book, we’ll concentrate more on how to write applications that utilize ActiveMQ. Inparticular, the following chapter focuses on topics such as embedding ActiveMQ in yourJava applications and using the Spring framework to write JMS-oriented applications.


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