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7.5 ActiveMQ 编写 Java 客户端 小结

7.5 Summary

In this chapter, you’ve seen how ActiveMQ can be viewed not only as a separate Javainfrastructure application, but also as a Java module that can be easily integrated inyour Java applications. Offering a wide range of flexibility, ActiveMQ can be configuredwith plain Java code or by using XML configuration files.

7.5 小结


You’ve also seen how ActiveMQ can play well with the Spring Framework, both interms of integrating brokers in Java applications and simplifying the implementationof JMS clients.

同样,你也看到了,不管是在Java程序中嵌入代理还是使用spring 实现JMS 客户端,ActiveMQ可以和Spring框架结合的很好.

We covered some advanced programming techniques with ActiveMQ as well. Therequest/reply pattern was explained in terms of the benefits it brings to your application’sarchitecture and how to implement it using ActiveMQ. Lastly, we revisited theportfolio example from chapter 3 in order to refactor it to use Spring JMS. Thoughonly the basics of Spring JMS were demonstrated here, its capabilities are powerfuland incredibly streamlined, and we encourage you to read more about it for yourapplications.

本章中,我们同样涉及了一些关于ActiveMQ的高级编程技术.本章还介绍了使用请求/响应设计模式可以给应用程序架构带来的好处,并使用ActiveMQ实现了这个模式.最后,我们使用Spring JMS重构了第3章中使用的portfolio实例.尽管只介绍了Spring JMS的一些基本概念,但使用这些基本概念提供的功能已经十分强大和高效了,我们推荐你阅读更多的Spring JMS相关内容.

The next chapter focuses on ActiveMQ integration options with various Java EE containers.You’ll see how ActiveMQ can be used in conjunction with Java application serverssuch as Apache Geronimo and Apache Tomcat, for example, and how to use JNDI.

下一章将关注 ActiveMQ 和各种Java EE容器的集成.你将看到如何将ActiveMQ与Java服务器程序(Apache Geronimo 和Apache Tomcat)集成起来,比如,你将看到如何使用JNDI.

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