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9 ActiveMQ 消息对其他编程语言的支持

9 ActiveMQ messaging for other languages

This chapter covers
? Using scripting languages via STOMP
? Exploring ActiveMQ NMS with C#
? Exploring ActiveMQ CMS with C++
? Using the ActiveMQ REST API
? Using the ActiveMQ Ajax API

9 ActiveMQ消息对其他编程语言的支持

使用C#探索ActiveMQ NMS
使用C++探索ActiveMQ CMS
使用ActiveMQ Ajax API

Thus far we’ve been  focused on ActiveMQ as  a JMS broker and  explored various  ways of  using it  in Java  environment. But  ActiveMQ is  more than  just a JMS  broker. It provides an extensive list of connectivity options, so it can be seen  as a general messaging solution for a variety of development platforms. In  this  chapter  we’ll  cover  all  ActiveMQ  aspects  related  to  providing messaging  services to different platforms.

到目前位置,我们把目光都集中在ActiveMQ作为一个JMS代理的应用并探索了在Java环境下的  各种ActiveMQ的应用方式.但是,ActiveMQ绝不仅仅是一个JMS代理.ActiveMQ提供了一系列  的相关的扩展功能,因此可以作为各种开发平台下的通用的消息系统解决方案.在本章中,我们将  关注ActiveMQ为不同平台提供消息服务的方方面面的内容.

We’ll  start  by  exploring  the  STOMP  (Streaming  Text  Orientated Messaging  Protocol)  protocol, which  due to  its simplicity  plays an  important role  in  messaging for scripting languages. Examples in Ruby, Python, PHP, and Perl  will  demonstrate the ease of messaging with STOMP and ActiveMQ. Next, we’ll focus on  writing clients for C++ and  .NET platforms with appropriate examples.  Finally,  we’ll see how ActiveMQ  could be used in  the Web environment through  its REST  and Ajax APIs. 

我们见从探索STOMP(流文本定向消息协议)协议,因为简单易用性,所以在脚本语言中扮演了重要角色.  基于Ruby, Python, PHP和Perl的例子将演示在ActiveMQ中使用STOMP是多么简单.接下来,  我们将通过几个例子关注基于C++和.NET平台下的客户端编写.最后,我们将介绍如何通过ActiveMQ的  REST和AjaxAPI将ActiveMQ用于web环境中.

By the end of this  chapter, you’ll see that  ActiveMQ isn’t just another  Java  message  broker,   but  rather   a  general   messaging  platform   for  various  environments. Before we go into details on specific platforms, we have to define  the examples we’ll be using throughout this chapter.


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