10.4 高可用性ActiveMQ 小结
10.4 Summary In this chapter you’ve learned how to configure ActiveMQ brokers to provide high availability in production deployments, utilizing either a shared nothing or shared storage system. You’ve also learned options for failover for ActiveMQ clients and the performance trade-offs for having high availability configured for your applications. |
10.4 小结 通过本章,你已经了解了如何在生产环境使用无共享主/备机配置和共享存储主/备机配置配置 高可用性ActiveMQ 代理.同样,你还学习了为ActiveMQ客户端配置失效转移的选项以及应用程序中如何在高可用性配置和性能之间进行权衡. |
We examined ActiveMQ for store and forward. This is used to provide global distribution of messages across wide area networks. We also demonstrated ActiveMQ configurations to filter out or filter in destinations that are required to be global for your application. |
我们阐述了ActiveMQ中消息的存储和转发,用来在广域网中进行全局消息的分发.另外,我们还阐述了 在应用程序中使用ActiveMQ的消息目的地过滤器. |
Finally we’ve seen how the configure ActiveMQ to scale for thousands of connections and tens of thousands of destinations. |
最后,我们看到了如何配置ActiveMQ扩展以应对大量的连接和海量的消息 |
Having read this chapter, you should now have a good understanding of how to deploy ActiveMQ to meet most deployment scenarios for any messaging application that you develop with ActiveMQ. |
阅读完本章后,你应当能够深刻了解如何在大多数应用场景中部署ActiveMQ消息应用程序了. |
In the next chapter we’ll look at advanced configuration of ActiveMQ to increase the flexibility of your applications that use ActiveMQ. We’ll also examine some different ways to extend the functionality of ActiveMQ through the use of interceptors and Apache Camel. |
下一章中,我们将使用ActiveMQ的高级配置来提高使用ActiveMQ消息系统的应用程序的灵活性. 我们还将介绍一些不同的方式通过使用拦截器和Apache Camel来扩展ActiveMQ的功能. |
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