11 ActiveMQ代理功能实战
11 ActiveMQ broker features in actionThis chapter covers |
11 ActiveMQ代理功能实战本章内容包括: |
In the previous chapter we looked at deploying ActiveMQ in enterprise environments:how to deploy ActiveMQ for high availability and for passing messages acrossgeographically dispersed locations. |
前面章节中,我们了解了如何在企业级应用环境中部署ActiveMQ,同时介绍了如何部署高可用性ActiveMQ以及如如何在地理上分散的不同地点之间传送 |
In this chapter we’ll look at some of the moreadvanced configuration options for the ActiveMQ message broker. We’ll look atreceiving messages from multiple destinations using wildcards, and sending messagesto multiple destinations at the same time using composite destinations. |
本章中,我们将介绍ActiveMQ消息代理的更多的高级配置选项.我们将看到如何使用通配符从而从多个消息目的地接收消息,以及如何使用组合消息目的地同时将消息发送到多个消息目的地. |
We’llshow how to actively listen for changes in the state of the ActiveMQ broker and forclients leaving and joining by using advisory messages. Other advanced features ofthe broker we’ll look at include virtual topics, which let you broadcast messagesover a topic, but have load balanced queues dispatch the messages. We’ll also lookat message redelivery and dead-letter queues, and how to extend the functionalityof the ActiveMQ broker with interceptor plug-ins. Finally, we’ll introduce ApacheCamel, the popular integration framework, which can be embedded into an ActiveMQbroker to create a powerful integration engine and extend the flexibility and routingof ActiveMQ. |
我们将展示如何激活针对ActiveMQ代理状态的监听,以及如何使用advisory消息移除客户端或加入新客户端.我们还将了解的其他高级特性还包括使用虚拟主题以便通过一个主题广播消息,同时使用一个负载均衡队列来分发消息.我还将看到如何重新分发消息,dead-letter队列以及如何使用拦截器插件来扩展ActiveMQ代理的功能.最后,我们将介绍一个流行的框架 –Apache Camel,这个框架可以嵌入到ActiveMQ代理中用来创建一个强大的集成引擎以扩展ActiveMQ的灵活性和路由能力. |
In the first section, we’ll look at how to send and receive messages from more thanone destination at a time, using composite destinations and wildcards. |
首先,我们将看到如何使用通配符发送消息到多个消息目的地,以及如何使用组合消息目的地从多个目的地接收消息. |
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