11.8 小结
11.8 Summary |
11.8 小结 |
In this chapter you’ve learned how to use wildcard and composite destinations, toimprove the flexibility of your ActiveMQ applications to receive and send messageswith multiple destinations. You now have an understanding of advisory messages generatedby the ActiveMQ broker. |
通过本章的学习,你已经学到如何使用通配符和组合消息目的地来改善你的ActiveMQ应用程序接收和发送消息的灵活性.你也应理解了由ActiveMQ代理生成的advisory消息了. |
We’ve also covered the benefits of using virtual topics and retroactive consumers,and when to use them. We’ve also explained when dead-letter queues are used andhow to configure them. Finally we covered how to use Apache Camel routes inActiveMQ, for extending flexibility and functionality of the message broker. |
本章还涉及了使用虚拟主题和消息消费者消息追溯时代理的益处,并了解了在何时使用这些特性.我们还解释了什么时候使用死信队列以及如何配置.最后,我们了解了如何在ActiveMQ中使用Apache Camel的路由引擎来增加消息代理的灵活性以扩展代理的功能. |
In the next chapter, we’ll examine advanced messaging features that can be usedfrom the client side of ActiveMQ. |
下一章中,我们将学习ActiveMQ消息代理中用于客户端的高级特性. |
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