12 ActiveMQ客户端高级选项
12 Advanced client options |
12 ActiveMQ客户端高级选项 |
This chapter covers |
本章内容包括 |
In the last chapter we covered advanced ActiveMQ broker features. In this chapterwe’re going to look at some advanced features on the client side of ActiveMQ. We’lllook at how to ensure that one message consumer will receive messages from aqueue, regardless of how many message consumers have subscribed to it. This featureis called exclusive consumer, and can be used for ensuring that messages arealways consumed in order, or as a distributed locking mechanism—for which wehave an example. |
上一章内容包含了ActiveMQ代理高级特性的相关内容.本章中,我们将看到一些 ActiveMQ客户端高级选项 .我们将看到如何确保消息消费者能够从队列收到消息而不管这个队列中注册了多少个消息消费者.这个特性称为消费者排除,用于保证消息始终被按顺序处理,也可以作为分布式锁机制–关于这个点我们有个示例. |
We’ll look at message groups, where messages can be grouped together to beconsumed by the same message consumer. ActiveMQ supports two different ways tosend large payloads through ActiveMQ—using ActiveMQ streams and blobmessages—and we’ll look at both methods. As the client-side failover transportprotocol is important for applications to survive network outages and brokerfailure, we’ll look at its nuances in more detail. And, finally, we’ll look atsending messages with a delay, and delay using scheduled messages. |
我们将看到消息群组,使用消息群组后消息可以被分组并且被同一个消息消费者处理.ActiveMQ支持发送两种类型的负载–使用ActiveMQ流和二进制消息,后面我们将说明这两种方式的使用方法.在应用程序应对网络故障或者代理失效时,客户端的失效转移连接协议十分重要,我们将更详细的说明应对上述两种问题的细节.最后,我们将看到消息发送延迟–使用消息调度实现消息延迟发送. |
One feature that you might be expecting in this chapter is different modes forclient-side acknowledgement of messages. As we’ll find out in the next chapter onActiveMQ performance tuning, choosing the right mode for acknowledgement ofmessages is critical for good performance, so we’ll cover acknowledgement modesand their consequences there. |
你可能会期望本章内容中会介绍客户端中关于消息确认的不同模式.正如我们将在下面介绍ActiveMQ性能调优的章节中看到的那样,选择正确的消息确认模式对于性能来说是至关重要的,因此我们将关注消息确认模式并关注选择了不同小气模式后的结果. |
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