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13.5 ActiveMQ 优化小结

13.5 Summary

13.5 ActiveMQ 优化小结

In general, message performance can be  improved by asking ActiveMQ to do  less. Consider the overhead of persisting  messages and the cost of  transporting both messages and  client acknowledgments  over the  wire. If  possible, use reliable messaging or  batching of  messages in  transactions to  reduce the  overhead of passing  a receipt  from the  broker to  the producer  that it  has received  a message. You can reduce the amount  of work the ActiveMQ broker does  by setting suitable  memory limits  (more is  better) and  deciding whether  producer flow control is suitable for your application. The message consumer has to work twice as hard as the message  producer, so optimizing delivery with  a MessageListener and using  straight-through message  processing together  with an acknowledgment mode or transactions  that allow acknowledgments  to be batched  can reduce this load.

通常,可以通过减少ActiveMQ的一些额外操作来改善消息程序的性能.由持久化消息而产生的 额外开销以及通过网络传输消息和客户端的消息确认带来的开销即可见一斑.如果可能的话, 使用可靠消息或者使用事务来进行消息分区,以便减少因代理传递消息回执给消息生产者告知 代理已经收到消息了而代来的额外开销.你可以设置适合的内存限制(越多越好)以及确定 消息生产者流控制是否适合你的程序,从而减少ActiveMQ代理要做的工作.消息消费者的工作量是消息生产者的2倍,因而使用MessageListener来优化消息分发同时设置合适消息确认模式或 使用事务来批量发送消息确认从而使用直通消息处理模式可以减轻消息消费者的负担.

In  this  chapter  you  learned  about  some  general  principles  for improving performance  with any  JMS-based application.  We also  dove into  some of  the internals  of  ActiveMQ  and  how  changes  to  the  configuration  can increase performance. We learned when and when  not to use those options, and  their side effects. We also brought the different aspects of performance tuning together in an example real-time data feed application.


You should now have a better understanding of where the performance  bottlenecks may occur when using ActiveMQ, and when and why to alleviate them. We’ve  shown how  to  tune your  message  producers and  message  consumers, as  well  as the configuration parameters and their impact on your application architecture.  You should be able to make the right architectural decisions for your application to help performance, and  have a good  understanding of the  downsides in terms  of guaranteeing delivery and how ActiveMQ can be used to mitigate them.

至此,你应该能更好的了解使用ActiveMQ时的性能瓶颈在什么地方,以及合适并且为什么要减轻瓶颈.我们已经展示了如何调整消息生产者和消费者的配置选项以及调整这些选项对应用程序 架构的影响.你应当能够为你的应用程序选择正确的的架构以便提升性能,并且也应当能够更好的理解保证消息准确不误分发对性能带来的负面影响以及如何使用ActiveMQ来减轻这种负面影响.

In the next and final chapter of this section, we’ll look at how to administer and monitor ActiveMQ brokers using JMX, the ActiveMQ web console, and much more.


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