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14 管理和监控ActiveMQ

14 Administering and monitoring ActiveMQ

14 管理和监控ActiveMQ

This chapter covers
? Understanding JMX and ActiveMQ
? Using advisory messages to monitor ActiveMQ
? Administering ActiveMQ
? Logging configuration in ActiveMQ 


The final  topic left  to be  covered is  management and  monitoring of ActiveMQ broker instances. As with any other infrastructure software, it’s important for developers  and  administrators to  be  able to  monitor  broker metrics  during runtime and notice any suspicious behavior that could possibly impact  messaging clients. Also, you might  want to interact with  your broker in other  ways. For example, you might want to  change broker configuration properties or  send test messages from administration consoles. ActiveMQ implements some features  beyond the  standard  JMS  API  that  allow  for  administration  and  monitoring  both programmatically and by using well-known administration tools.

最后一个主题是 管理和监控ActiveMQ 代理示例.与其他基础软件一样,对于开发者了管理员来说,能够在运行时监控代理数据并通知任何可能影响消息客户端的可疑行为是十分重要的.另外,你可能打算以另外一种方式和代理交互.例如,你可能打算改变代理的配置属性或从管理员控制台发送测试消息.ActiveMQ实现了一些JMS API规范之外的功能允许使用代码或已知的管理工具来 管理和监控ActiveMQ代理.

We’ll start this chapter with the explanation of the Java Management  Extension API (JMX), the standard API for managing Java applications. Next, we’ll explain the  concept  of  advisory  messages,  which  allow  you  to  receive  important notifications from the broker in a more messaging-like manner.

本章内容从阐释Java管理扩展API(JMX)–管理Java程序的标准API开始.接下来,我们会解释 advisory消息的概念,使用advisory消息允许你从代理以更类似消息的方式接收重要的通知.

In  later sections  we’ll focus  on administrator  tools for  interacting with brokers. We’ll explore some of the tools embedded in the ActiveMQ  distribution such as the command agent  and the web console as  well as some of the  external tools  such as  JConsole. Finally,  we’ll explain  how to  adjust the  ActiveMQ logging mechanism to suit your needs and demonstrate how to use it to track down potential problems.  We’ll also  show you  how to  change the  ActiveMQ logging preferences during runtime.

本章最后部分,我们将关注与代理交互的管理工具.我们将介绍ActiveMQ自带的一些工具,比如 命名行和web控制台,同时也会介绍一些外部工具,比如JConsole.最后,我们将介绍如何配置 ActiveMQ的日志机制以便满足你的需求,同时也会解释如何使用日志追踪潜在的问题.我们还 将展示如何在运行是修改ActiveMQ的日志配置.

Now, let’s get started with explaining how to use the JMX API with ActiveMQ. In the following section you’ll  learn how to configure  JMX in ActiveMQ, and  how you can write Java applications to gather various ActiveMQ statistics. It’s  an important topic  because many  tools we’ll  cover later  use JMX  to access the broker, so this is a lengthy section.

现在,让我们从阐述如何在ActiveMQ中使用JMX API开始.下面章节中,你将看到如何在ActiveMQ中配置JMX以及如何通过编写Java程序获取各种ActiveMQ统计数据.这是一个重要的主题,因为后面将要介绍的使用JMX管理代理的很多工具都是基于JMX的,因而这部分内容较多.

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