14.3 ActiveMQ的管理工具
14.3 Tools for ActiveMQ administration |
14.3 ActiveMQ的管理工具 |
A wide range of tools exist for monitoring and administering ActiveMQ. Which ones you’ll be using depends primarily on the environment you’re using, your setup, and also on your preferences. We’ll start this section with an explanation of command-line tools. Next we’ll see how we can use the JMS API to issue commands to ActiveMQ using the command agent (and how you can use it to access your broker using chat clients). |
已有大量的监控和管理ActiveMQ的工具.使用何种工具主要取决于你的应用环境,设置和个人喜好. 本节中,我们将从解释命令工具开始.接下来,我们将看到如何使用JMS API运行命令代理发送命令 给ActiveMQ(以及如何使用命令代理运用chat客户端与代理交互). |
The general-purpose management console for Java platform named JConsole and how it can be used with ActiveMQ is our next topic. Finally, we’ll cover the ActiveMQ web console, integrated with ActiveMQ, which provides you with a nice user interface for inspecting ActiveMQ resources. Most of these tools use the JMX API to communicate with the broker, so be sure to enable JMX support as explained earlier in the chapter. So let’s see what more can we do from the command line besides starting a broker. |
Java平台的通用管理控制台工具成为JConsole,我们的下一个话题就是讨论如何使用JConsole管理 ActiveMQ.最后,我们将讨论ActiveMQ的Web控制台,该控制台与ActiveMQ集成在一起,提供友好用户 界面以便管理和监控ActiveMQ资源.上述工具大部分使用JMX API与代理交互,因此确保启动代理时 按照前面章节所解释的那样启用了JMX支持.下面让我们看看通过命令行代码除了能够启动代理之外 还能做些什么. |
14.3.1 Command-line tools |
14.3.1 命令行工具 |
You already know how to use the bin/activemq script to start the broker. In addition to this script, the bin/activemq-admin script can be used to monitor the broker state from the command line. The activemq-admin script provides the following functionality: |
你已经知道如何使用bin/activemq脚本来启动代理了.除了这个脚本,bin/activemq-admin脚本可用于通过 命令行来监控代理状态.activemq-admin脚本提供了下面的功能: |
In the following sections, we’ll explore this functionality and the commands used to expose it through the use of examples. For the complete reference and explanation of all available command options, please refer to the Command-Line Tools page on the ActiveMQ website (http://mng.bz/lj9a). |
在接下来的章节中,我们将探索上述功能以及示例中用于实现那些功能而使用的命令.至于命令行 所有可用命令的完整内容和说明请参阅ActiveMQ站点的Command-Line Tools页面 (http://mng.bz/lj9a). |
STARTING AND STOPPING THE BROKER The standard method for starting ActiveMQ is to use the following command on the command line: |
启动和停止代理 启动ActiveMQ的标准方法是在命令行中使用下面的命令: |
$ cd apache-activemq-5.4.1 $ ./bin/activemq |
In addition, the following command using the bin/activemq script can also be used: | 另外,下面使用bin/activemq-admin脚本的命令也能用于启动代理: |
$ ./bin/activemq-admin start |
Using the same script, ActiveMQ can also be stopped using the following command: | 使用同样脚本,同样可以使用下面的命令来停止ActiveMQ: |
$ ./bin/activemq-admin stop |
The bin/activemq-admin script is a nice alternative for stopping the broker. It’ll attempt to use the JMX API to do this, so be sure to enable JMX support if you plan to use this script. Please note that the bin/activemq script connects to the default ActiveMQ JMX URL to send commands, so if you made some modifications to the JMX URL (as we did for the earlier JMX examples) or the JMX domain, be sure to provide the correct JMX URL and domain to the script using the appropriate parameters. For example, to stop the previously defined broker that starts the JMX connector on port 2011 and uses the my-broker domain, the following command should be used: |
使用bin/activemq-admin 脚本是停止代理的一种很好的替代方式.该脚本尝试使用JMX API来 停止代理,因此如果你打算使用这个脚本,请确保代理开启了JMX支持.请注意,bin/activemq-admin 脚本使用默认的JMX URL然后发送命令,因而,如果你修改了JMX的URL(比如前面章节JMX例子做的修改) 或者JMX的域名,请确保提供了正确的JMXURL和域名给这个脚本作为合适的参数.例如,为了停止前面 配置的在2011端口启动的JMX连接器并使用my-broker作为域名的代理,需要使用下面的命令: |
$ ./bin/activemq-admin stop ^ --jmxurl service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:2011/jmxrmi ^ --jmxdomain my-broker |
This command will connect to ActiveMQ via JMX to send a command to the broker telling it to stop. Now it’s time to see how to get information from ActiveMQ using the command line. |
该命令将使用JMX连接到ActiveMQ,然后发送一个命令给代理让其停止. 下面,是时候看看如果使用命令行来从ActiveMQ获取信息了. |
In some situations, multiple brokers may be running in the same JMX context. Using the bin/activemq script you can use the list command to list all the available brokers as shown next. |
有些情况下,同一个JMX上下文中可能存在多个代理.使用bin/activemq-admin脚本的list命令可以列出 所有可用代理,命令如下所示: |
$ ./bin/activemq-admin list Java Runtime: Apple Inc. 1.5.0_16 /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home Heap sizes: current=1984k free=1709k max=65088k JVM args: -Dactivemq.classpath=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1/conf; -Dactivemq.home=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 -Dactivemq.base=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 ACTIVEMQ_HOME: /tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 ACTIVEMQ_BASE: /tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 Connecting to pid: 99591 BrokerName = localhost |
As you can see in listing 14.8, we have only one broker in the given context and its name is localhost. |
如你所见,在清单14.8中,我们看到只有一个代理其名称为localhost. |
Starting, stopping, and listing all available brokers are useful features, but what you’ll probably want to do more often is query various broker parameters. Let’s take a look at demonstrating the query command being used to grab information about destinations. |
启动,停止代理,列出所有可用代理都是有用的功能,但是你更常见的需求是查询代理的各种参数. 然后买来看下如何使用查询命令来获取消息目的地方面的信息. |
$ ./bin/activemq-admin query -QQueue=* Java Runtime: Apple Inc. 1.5.0_16 /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home Heap sizes: current=1984k free=1709k max=65088k JVM args: -Dactivemq.classpath=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1/conf; -Dactivemq.home=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 -Dactivemq.base=/tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 ACTIVEMQ_HOME: /tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 ACTIVEMQ_BASE: /tmp/apache-activemq-5.4.1 Connecting to pid: 99591 DequeueCount = 0 Name = TEST.FOO MinEnqueueTime = 0 CursorMemoryUsage = 0 MaxAuditDepth = 2048 Destination = TEST.FOO AverageEnqueueTime = 0.0 InFlightCount = 0 MemoryLimit = 1048576 Type = Queue EnqueueCount = 0 MaxEnqueueTime = 0 MemoryUsagePortion = 0.0 ProducerCount = 0 UseCache = true MaxProducersToAudit = 32 CursorFull = false BrokerName = localhost ConsumerCount = 0 ProducerFlowControl = true Subscriptions = [] QueueSize = 0 MaxPageSize = 200 CursorPercentUsage = 0 MemoryPercentUsage = 0 DispatchCount = 0 ExpiredCount = 0 DequeueCount = 0 Name = example.A MinEnqueueTime = 0 CursorMemoryUsage = 0 MaxAuditDepth = 2048 Destination = example.A AverageEnqueueTime = 0.0 InFlightCount = 0 MemoryLimit = 1048576 Type = Queue EnqueueCount = 0 MaxEnqueueTime = 0 MemoryUsagePortion = 0.0 ProducerCount = 0 UseCache = true MaxProducersToAudit = 32 CursorFull = false BrokerName = localhost ConsumerCount = 1 ProducerFlowControl = true Subscriptions = [org.apache.activemq:BrokerName=localhost, Type=Subscription,persistentMode=Non-Durable, destinationType=Queue,destinationName=example.A, clientId=ID_mongoose.local-59784-1255450207356-3_0, consumerId=ID_mongoose.local-59784-1255450207356-2_0_1_1] QueueSize = 0 MaxPageSize = 200 CursorPercentUsage = 0 MemoryPercentUsage = 0 DispatchCount = 0 ExpiredCount = 0 |
In listing 14.9, the bin/activemq-admin script was used with the query command and a query of -QQueue=*. This query will print all the state information about all the queues in the broker instance. In the case of a broker using a default configuration, the only queue that exists is one named example.A (from the Camel configuration example in the conf/activemq.xml file) and these are its properties. |
在代码清单14.9中,使用了bin/activemq-admin脚本的query命令和查询字符串-QQueue=*.该查询将 打印代理 实例中所有队列的状态信息.使用默认配置的代理只有唯一的队列,该队列名称为example.A (来自Camel示例配置文件conf/activemq.xml),上面打印出来的信息是这个队列的相关属性. |
The command-line tools reference page contains the full description of all available query options. If you call the query command without any additional parameters, it’ll print all available broker properties, which can you can use to get a quick snapshot of a broker’s state. |
命令行工具手册页面包含了所有查询选项的完整说明.如果你使用不带任何额外参数的query命令,则该命令 将打印出所有可用代理的属性,通过这些属性信息你可以快速了解代理状态信息. |
Browsing destinations in the broker is another fundamental administrative task. This functionality is also exposed in the bin/activemq-admin script. The following is an example of browsing one of the queues we’re using in our job queue example. |
浏览代理的消息目的地信息也是代理管理的一项基本工作.该功能依然可以通过使用bin/activemq-admin 脚本来完成.下面是一个示例,该例子将浏览我们在job queue例子中用到的一个队列信息. |
${ACTIVEMQ_HOME}/bin/activemq-admin browse --amqurl tcp://localhost:61616 JOBS.delete ACTIVEMQ_HOME: /workspace/apache-activemq-5.2.0 ACTIVEMQ_BASE: /workspace/apache-activemq-5.2.0 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDestination = JOBS.delete JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDeliveryMode = persistent JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSMessageID = ID:dejan-bosanacs-macbook-pro.local-64257-1234789436483-0:0:1:1:2 JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectClass = java.lang.Integer JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectString = 1000001 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSExpiration = 0 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSPriority = 4 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSRedelivered = false JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSTimestamp = 1234789436702 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDestination = JOBS.delete JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDeliveryMode = persistent JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSMessageID = ID:dejan-bosanacs-macbook-pro.local-64257-1234789436483-0:0:1:1:3 JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectClass = java.lang.Integer JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectString = 1000002 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSExpiration = 0 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSPriority = 4 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSRedelivered = false JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSTimestamp = 1234789436706 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDestination = JOBS.delete JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSDeliveryMode = persistent JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSMessageID = ID:dejan-bosanacs-macbook-pro.local-64257-1234789436483-0:0:1:1:4 JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectClass = java.lang.Integer JMS_BODY_FIELD:JMSObjectString = 1000003 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSExpiration = 0 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSPriority = 4 JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSRedelivered = false JMS_HEADER_FIELD:JMSTimestamp = 1234789436708 ... |
The browse command is different from the previous commands, as it doesn’t use JMX, but browses queues using the QueueBrowser from the JMS API. For that reason, you need to provide it with the broker URL using the -amqurl switch. The final parameter provided to this command is the name of the queue to be browsed. |
browse命令与之前的命令不同,因为该命令不使用JMX,而是在浏览队列信息时使用了JMS API中的 QueueBrowser.为此,你需要在命令中使用-amqurl 开关提供代理的URL.提供给该命令的最后一个 参数是打算浏览的队列的名称. |
As you can see, a fair number of monitoring and administration operations can be achieved from the command line. This functionality can help you to easily check the broker’s state and can be helpful for diagnosing possible problems. But this isn’t the end of the administrative tools for ActiveMQ. There are still a few more advanced administrative tools; they’re explained in following sections. |
你已经看到,通过命令行就可以进行很多监控和管理代理的操作.该功能可以帮你很容易的检查代理 状态在诊断代理问题时很有用.但这并不是ActiveMQ唯一的管理工具.还有很多高级管理工具,下面的 章节将做介绍. |
14.3.2 Command agent |
14.3.2 管理代理 |
Sometimes issuing administration commands to the broker from the command line isn’t easily achievable, mostly in situations when you don’t have shell access to the machines hosting your brokers. In these situations you’ll want to administer your broker using some of the existing administrative channels. The command agent allows you to issue administration commands to the broker using plain old JMS messages. When the command agent is enabled, it’ll listen to the ActiveMQ.Agent topic for messages. All commands such as help, list and query submitted in form of JMS text messages will be processed by the agent and the result will be posted to the same topic. |
有时候,从命令行发送管理命令到代理不太容易实现,大部分情况下是因为你不能在运行代理 的机器上执行shell.这种情况下,你需要借用一些已有的管理代理来管理你的代理.命令行代理 允许你使用老的JMS消息啦发送管理命令给代理.当启用命令代理时,它将监听ActiveMQ.Agent 主题的消息.所有的命令,比如help,list和query都以JMS文本消息的格式提交,然后被代理处理, 处理的结果也会发送到相同的主题. |
In this section we’ll demonstrate how to configure and use the command agent with the ActiveMQ broker. We’ll also go one step further and introduce the XMPP transport connector, and see how you can use practically any instant messaging client to communicate with the command agent. |
本节中,我们将说明如何配置和使用ActiveMQ代理的命令代理.我们还将进一步介绍XMPP传输 连接器,同时还会介绍如何使用任何即时的消息客户端来与命令代理通信. |
Let’s begin by looking at the following configuration example. Listing 14.11 Command agent configuration |
让我从下面的配置示例开始 代码清单14.11 命令代理配置 |
... <broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core" brokerName="localhost" dataDirectory="${activemq.base}/data"> <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://localhost:61616"/> <transportConnector name="xmpp" uri="xmpp://localhost:61222"/> </transportConnectors> </broker> <commandAgent xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core" brokerUrl="vm://localhost"/> ... |
Two details are important in this configuration fragment. First we’ve started the XMPP transport connector on port 61222 to expose the broker to clients via XMPP (the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol). This was achieved by using the appropriate URI scheme, like we do for all supported protocols. XMPP is an open XML-based protocol mainly used for instant messaging and developed by the Jabber project (http:// jabber.org/). Since it’s open and widespread, a lot of chat clients already support this protocol, and you can use these clients to communicate with ActiveMQ. |
在上述配置代码片段中有两个细节很重要.首先,我们在61222端口的启动了XMPP传输连机器,以便通过XMPP(扩展消息和展示协议)协议将代理暴露给客户端.可以通过合适的URI主题来配置该传输连接器,就想我们配置其他所有已支持的协议一样.XMPP是一种开发的基于XML的 协议,主要用于即时的发送消息,由Jabber项目开发(http:// jabber.org/).因为XMPP是开发且应用广泛的,有许多chat客户端都支持该协议,因此你可以使用这些客户端与ActiveMQ通信. |
For the purposes of this book, we chose to use the Adium (http://www.adiumx.com/) instant messaging client. This client runs on Mac OS X and speaks manydifferent protocols, including XMPP. Any XMPP client can be used here. The firststep is always to provide the XMPP client with the details to connect toActiveMQ, such as server host, port, username, and password, as shown in figure14.7. Of course, you should connect to your broker on port 61222 since that’swhere the XMPP transport connector is running, and you can use any user andpassword. |
本书中,我们选用Adium(http://www.adiumx.com)即时消息客户端.该客户端在Mac OS X上运行,支持多种一些,包括XMPP.任何XMPP客户端都可以使用.首先,需要提供让XMPP客户端连接到ActiveMQ的一些信息,比如服务器主机名,端口,用户名和密码如图14.7所示.当然,你应当从端口61222连接到代理,因为我们在61222端口上配置了XMPP传输连接器. |
After successfully connecting to the broker, you have to join the appropriatechat room, which basically means that you’ll subscribe to the topic with thesame name. In this example we’ll subscribe to the ActiveMQ.Agent topic, so wecan use the command agent. |
Typing a message in the chat room sends a message to the topic, so you can typeyour commands directly into the messaging client. An example of the response forthe help command is shown in figure 14.8. More complex commands are supported aswell. Figure 14.9 shows how you can query the topic named TEST.FOO using thequery -QTopic=TEST.FOO command. |
The example shown in this section introduced the use of XMPP protocol. Thisallows you to use instant messaging applications to interact with the ActiveMQcommand agent to administer the broker via standard JMS messages. Now let’sreturn to some classic administration tools such as JConsole. |
14.3.3 JConsole |
As we said earlier, the JMX API is the standardized API used by developers tomanage and monitor Java applications. But the API isn’t so useful without aclient tool. That’s why the Java SE comes with a tool named JConsole, the Javamonitoring and management console. JConsole is a client application that allowsyou to browse and call methods of exposed MBeans. Because ActiveMQ requires theJava SE to run, JConsole should be available, and is handy for quickly viewingbroker state. In this section, we’ll cover some of its basic operations withActiveMQ. |
The first thing you should do after starting JConsole (using the jconsolecommand on the command line) is choose or locate the application you want tomonitor (see figure 14.10). In this figure, we see a local Java process running.This is the case when ActiveMQ and JConsole are started on the same machine. Tomonitor ActiveMQ on a remote machine, be sure to start a JMX connector from theActiveMQ configuration file (via the createConnector attribute from the<managementContext> element). Then you can enter host and port information (suchas localhost and 1099 in case of a local broker) in the Remote tab, or the fullURL (such as service:jmx:rmi:/// jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi) in theAdvanced tab. |
Upon successfully connecting to the local ActiveMQ broker, figure 14.11demonstrates some of what you are able to see. This figure shows that theActiveMQ broker exposes information about all of its important objects(connectors, destinations, subscriptions, and so on) via JMX. In this particularexample, all the attributes for queue://example.A can be easily viewed. Suchinformation as queue size and number of producers and consumers can be avaluable debugging aid for your applications or the broker itself. |
Besides peaking at the broker state, you can also use JConsole (and the JMX API)to execute MBean methods. If you go to the Operations tab for the destinationnamed queue://example.A, you’ll see all available operations for thatparticular queue as shown in figure 14.12. This figure shows that thesendTextMessage button allows you to send a simple message to the queue. Thiscan be a simple test tool to produce messages without writing any code. |
Now let’s look at another similar tool that’s distributed with ActiveMQ. |
14.3.4 Web console |
In chapter 9, we saw how an internal web server is used to expose ActiveMQresources via REST and Ajax APIs. The same web server is used to host the webconsole, which provides basic management functions via a web browser. Uponstarting ActiveMQ using the default configuration, you can visithttp://localhost:8161/admin/ to view the web console. |
The web console is far more modest in capabilities compared to JConsole, but itallows you to do some of the most basic management tasks using an user interfaceadapted to ActiveMQ management. Figure 14.13 shows a screenshot of the webconsole viewing a list of queues with some basic information. |
For every destination, you can also execute certain management operations. Forexample, you can browse, purge, and delete queues, or send, copy, and movemessages to various destinations. Figure 14.14 shows the page that displaysbasic message properties. |
The ActiveMQ web console provides some additional pages for viewing destinationsand sending messages. As stated earlier, this functionality is fairly basic andis meant to be used for development environments, not production environments. |
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