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3.4 小结-Summary

This brief introduction to the book examples is meant to be just that—quick and

focused. The jobs and portfolio use cases are common in the business world, but

they’re only two use cases of many available for using messaging. Although these two

use cases are meant to demonstrate the two JMS messaging domains at a high level,

that doesn’t mean that they can’t do more. Using the features available in ActiveMQ,

these two examples will be changed and adapted as the book progresses. So you’ll see

much more of these examples throughout the chapters, just with slight variations.


Part 1 of the book took you through an introduction to ActiveMQ, where you

gained a quick high-level understanding of ActiveMQ. Then the focus shifted to

understanding message-oriented middleware and the JMS spec. Although these topics

aren’t strictly about only ActiveMQ, each is important when it comes to understanding

ActiveMQ. You also walked through the examples that will be used throughout the rest

of the book. The subjects in this first part of the book are meant to be a warm-up for

diving deeper into ActiveMQ. In part 2, you’ll learn about configuring various aspects

of ActiveMQ for connectivity, message persistence, and security.











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本文固定链接: https://www.jack-yin.com/coding/translation/activemq-in-action/512.html | 边城网事

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