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5.2 KahaDB消息存储-The KahaDB message store

The recommended message store for general-purpose messages since ActiveMQ version

5.3 is KahaDB. This is a file-based message store that combines a transactional journal,

for reliable message storage and recovery, with good performance and scalability.





The KahaDB store is a file-based, transactional store that’s been tuned and designed

for the fast storage of messages. The aim of the KahaDB store is to be easy to use and as

fast as possible. Its use of a file-based message database means there’s no prerequisite

for a third-party database. This message store enables ActiveMQ to be downloaded and

running in literally minutes. In addition, the structure of the KahaDB store has been

streamlined especially for the requirements of a message broker.







The KahaDB message store uses a transactional log for its indexes and only uses

one index file for all its destinations. It’s been used in production environments with

10,000 active connections, each connection having a separate queue. The configurability

of the KahaDB store means that it can be tuned for most usage scenarios, from

high throughput applications (for example, trading platforms), to storing large

amounts of messages (for example, GPS tracking).







To enable the KahaDB store for ActiveMQ, you need to configure the

<persistenceAdapter> element in the activemq.xml configuration file. Here’s a minimal

configuration for the KahaDB message store:





<broker brokerName=”broker” persistent=”true” useShutdownHook=”false”>


<kahaDB directory=”activemq-data” journalMaxFileLength=”16mb”/>




If you want to embed an ActiveMQ broker inside an application, the message store can

also be configured programmatically. Here’s an example of a programmatic configuration

for KahaDB:





public class EmbeddedBrokerUsingAMQStoreExample


BrokerService createEmbeddedBroker() throws Exception


BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();

File dataFileDir = new File(“target/amq-in-action/kahadb”);

KahaDBStore kaha = new KahaDBStore();


// Using a bigger journal file


// small batch means more frequent and smaller writes


// do the index write in a separate thread



//create a transport connector


//start the broker


return broker;





Although the example seems small, it’s enough to create an ActiveMQ broker using

the KahaDB message store and listen for ActiveMQ clients connecting over TCP. For

more information about embedding ActiveMQ, see chapter 8.






In order to better understand its use and configuration, it’s important to examine

the internals of the KahaDB message store.





5.2.1 The KahaDB message store internals

5.2.1 KahaDB消息存储内部探秘


The KahaDB message store is the fastest of all the provided message store implementations.

Its speed is the result of the combination of a fast transactional journal comprised

of data log files, the highly optimized indexing of message IDs, and inmemory

message caching. Figure 5.3 provides a high-level diagram of the KahaDB

message store.






The diagram provides a view of the three distinct parts of the KahaDB message

store including the following:




The data logs act as a message journal, which consists of a rolling

log of messages and commands (such as transactional boundaries and message deletions)

stored in data files of a certain length. When the maximum

length of the currently used data file has been reached,

a new data file is created. All the messages in a data file are reference

counted, so that once every message in that data file is no longer required,

the data file can be removed or archived. In the data logs, messages are only

appended to the end of the current data file, so storage is fast.







The cache holds messages temporarily if there are active consumer(s) for the messages.

If there are active consumers, messages are dispatched at the same time they’re

scheduled to be stored. If messages are acknowledged in time, they don’t need

to be written to disk.




The BTree indexes hold references to the messages in the data logs that are

indexed by their message ID. The indexes maintain the FIFO data structure for

queues and the durable subscriber pointers to their topic messages. The redo

log is used only if the ActiveMQ broker hasn’t shut down cleanly, and are used

to insure the integrity of the BTree index is maintained.






The KahaDB uses different files on disk for its data logs and indexes, so in the next

section we’ll show a typical KahaDB directory structure.





5.2.2 The KahaDB message store directory structure

5.2.2 KahaDB消息存储的目录结构


When you start an ActiveMQ broker configured to use a KahaDB store, a directory will

automatically be created in which the persistent messages are stored. This directory

structure is shown in figure 5.4.




Inside of the KahaDB directory, the following directory and file structures can be




 db log files—KahaDB stores messages into data log files named db-<Number>.log of

a predefined size. When a data log is full, a new one will be created, and the log

number incremented. When there are no more references to any of the messages

in the data log file, it’ll be deleted or archived.

db log 文件 –KahaDB将消息存储到数据日志文件中,该文件命名方式为db-<编号>.log,文件大小事先已经定义好.




archive directory—This exists only if archiving is enabled. The archive is used to store data logs

that are no longer needed by KahaDB, making it possible to replay messages from the archived data

logs at a later point. If archiving isn’t enabled(the default), data logs that are no longer in

use are deleted from the file system.

归档目录 — 归档目录仅在启用归档时才会出现.归档文件用于存储那些不再被KahaDB使用的数据日志文件.




db.data —This file contains the persistent BTree indexes to the messages held in the message data logs.

db.data — 该文件保存了数据日志文件中消息的持久化BTree索引.


db.redo —This is the redo file, used for recovering the BTree indexes if the KahaDB

message store starts after a hard stop.

db.redo — 这是重做日志文件,用于KahaDB从一次非正常关闭后重启时恢复BTree索引.


Now that we’ve covered the basics of the KahaDB store, the next step is to review its




5.2.3 Configuring the KahaDB message store

5.2.3 配置KahaDB消息存储


The KahaDB message store can be configured in the activemq.xml file. Its configuration

options control the different tuning parameters, as described in table 5.1.




Table 5.1 Configuration options available for the KahaDB message store

表5.1 KahaDB消息存储的配置选项


Property name               Default value            Description

属性名                        默认值                     描述

directory                 activemq-data           Directory path used by KahaDB

directory                 activemq-data           KahaDB使用的目录


indexWriteBatchSize           1000        Number of index pages to write in a batch to disk

indexWriteBatchSize           1000        一次写入磁盘的属性页数量


indexCacheSize                10000       Number of index pages cached in memory

indexCacheSize                10000       内存中缓存的所引用数量


enableIndexWriteAsync         false       If set, will asynchronously write indexes

enableIndexWriteAsync         false       如果设置为true,索引将以异步方式写入


journalMaxFileLength          32mb        A hint to set the maximum size of each of the message data logs

journalMaxFileLength          32mb        设置每个消息数据日志文件的最大尺寸


enableJournalDiskSyncs        true        Ensures every nontransactional journal write is followed

by a disk sync (JMS durability requirement)

enableJournalDiskSyncs        true        保证每个非事务日志写操作后进行磁盘同步(JMS持久化要求)


cleanupInterval               30000       Time (ms) before checking for and discarding/moving message

data logs that are no longer used

cleanupInterval               30000       检查 丢弃/移动数据日志文件中是不不再使用的消息 间隔时间(单位 毫秒)


checkpointInterval            5000        Time (ms) before checkpointing the journal

checkpointInterval            5000        执行checkpoint的时间间隔


ignoreMissingJournalfiles     false       If enabled, will ignore a missing message log file

ignoreMissingJournalfiles     false       如果启用,则忽视丢失消息日志(译注:在消息丢失时不记录日志)


checkForCorruptJournalFiles   false       If enabled, on startup will validate that the message data logs haven’t been corrupted.

checkForCorruptJournalFiles   false       如果启用,在启动是会检查消息数据日志文件是否被占用


checksumJournalFiles          false       If enabled, will provide a checksum foreach message data log

checksumJournalFiles          false       如果启用,将为每一个消息数据日志问价开启检查消息总数服务


archiveDataLogs               false       If enabled, will move a message data log to the archive directory instead of deleting it

archiveDataLogs               false       如果启用,不用的消息数据文件会被移动到归档目录 而不是删除掉


directoryArchive              null        Defines the directory to move data logs to when all the messages they contain have been consumed

directoryArchive              null        存放规定文件的目录


databaseLockedWaitDelay       10000       Time (ms) before trying to acquire the database lock (used by shared master/slave)

databaseLockedWaitDelay       10000       尝试获取数据库锁的等待时间(用于共享主/从数据库)


maxAsyncJobs                  10000       Maximum number of asynchronous messages that will be queued awaiting

storage (should be the same as the number of concurrent MessageProducers)

maxAsyncJobs                  10000       排队等待存储的异步消息的最大数量(应该和并发的消息生产者数量相同)


concurrentStoreAndDispatchTransactions  true      Enables the dispatching of messages to interested clients to happen concurrently with transaction storage

concurrentStoreAndDispatchTransactions  true      允许在存储事务时分发消息到对其感兴趣的客户端


concurrentStoreAndDispatchTopics        true      Enables the dispatching of topic messages to interested clients to happen concurrently with message storage

concurrentStoreAndDispatchTopics        true      允许在存储消息时,分发主题中的消息给对其感兴趣的客户端


concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues        true      Enables the dispatching of queue messages to interested clients to happen concurrently with message storage

concurrentStoreAndDispatchQueues        true      允许在存储消息是,分发队列中的消息给对其感兴趣的客户端


ActiveMQ provides a pluggable API for message stores, and there are three additional

implementations to KahaDB that are shipped with ActiveMQ:

 The AMQ message store—A file-based message store designed for performance

 The JDBC message store—A message store based on JDBC

 The Memory message store—A memory-based message store



AMQ 消息存储 — 基于文件的高性能消息存储

JDBC 消息存储 — 基于JDBC的消息存储

Memory 消息存储 — 基于内存的消息存储


We’ll look at the use cases and configuration for these additional message stores in the

next three sections. We’ll start with the AMQ message store, which like the KahaDB

message store is a file-based implementation. It predates KahaDB, but because of its

performance characteristics, it can make sense to use the AMQ store instead of

KahaDB, provided the number of persistent destinations is relatively low.





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