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5.7 小结-Summary

This chapter began by discussing how messages are stored differently for queues and topics. Then the various message store implementations were explained and discussed,including their configuration and when to use each. You should have a goodunderstanding about the two types of file-based message stores that you can use withActiveMQ—the AMQ message store and the KahaDB message store—and their tradeoffsbetween performance and scalability. We also covered the JDBC message store,which is an option if you want to use an existing relational database and the ActiveMQmemory message store. 本章从讨论队列和主题中消息的不同存储方式开始,接下来讨论和解释了各种不同的存储实现,包括各种消息存储实现的配置方法.至此,你应该非常熟悉两种基于文件的消息存储方式–AMQ消息存储和KahaDB消息存储以及如何更加性能和可伸缩性要求来选择如何选用这两种消息存储实现.另外,我们也介绍了JDBC消息存储和ActiveMQ内存消息存储.如果你打算使用一个已有的关系数据库的话,你可以选择使用JDBC消息存储.
 Finally we discussed the special case for caching messages in the broker for nondurabletopic consumers. This section explained why caching is required, when it makessense to use this feature, and the flexibility ActiveMQ provides in configuring the messagecaches. 最后,我们讨论了一个特殊主题–代理为非持久化主题消息消费者缓存消息.这一小结说明了为什么需要这种缓存,何时适合使用这种缓存特性以及ActiveMQ为配置消息缓存提供的灵活配置.
In the next chapter, we’ll look at authentication of users of ActiveMQ and how torestrict access to destinations using authorization. 下面的章节,我们将介绍ActiveMQ的认证以及如何在操作消息目的地时强制授权.
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