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0005-Accomplice /abettor/accessory/confederate/conspirator/plotter

 Accomplice /abettor/accessory/confederate/conspirator/plotter


Accomplice and confederate both denote a person who is associated with another in the perpetration of a crime, whether that association is limited to the planning stages or is extended to the entire execution of the wrongdoing. Thus, an accomplice or confederate may, but need not necessarily, be present at the scene of the crime. [The role of the murderer’s accomplice was that of weapon procurer; Although Fredericks planned the theft, it was one of his confederates who actually entered the house and stole the jewels.]

Accomplice (共犯,同谋)和confederate(同伙,同盟)都可以表示伙同他人一起犯罪干坏事的同伙, 可以表示仅仅同谋坏事或者不仅同谋而且一起完整的干了坏事. 但是Accomplice和confederate表示的同伙可以一起,但是不一定非要一起出现在犯罪现场.例如:[The role of the murderer’s accomplice was that of weapon procurer(武器提供者是谋杀犯的帮凶(accomplice)); Although Fredericks planned the theft, it was one of his confederates who actually entered the house and stole the jewels(尽管是Fredericks盗窃的同谋者,但是真正闯进那房子里偷了珠宝的是他的同伙).]

An abettor is an accomplice or confederate who is present and who participates in the execution of a crime. A look-out is an abettor in a bank robbery.

abettor(帮凶)是指全程参与犯罪执行的那种帮凶.例如:A look-out is an abettor in a bank robbery(门口把风的也是抢劫银行的帮凶.(译注:这句翻译拿不准,look-out不知道啥意思)).

Accessory is the legal term for an accomplice who helps a felon without being present at the scene of the crime. If he helps the felon’s preparations, he is an accessory before the fact; if he helps the felon to escape punishment once the crime has been committed, he is an accessory after the fact.

Accessory(从犯,或包庇犯人的人)事法律术语,表示一个主犯的帮凶但是没有出现的犯罪现场.例如:he is an accessory before the fact; if he helps the felon to escape punishment once the crime has been committed, he is an accessory after the fact(如果一个人在主犯犯罪之前,帮助主犯准备犯罪,他是事实犯罪之前的从犯,如果他再主犯背叛有罪之后帮助主犯逃避惩罚,这个人是事实犯罪之后的从犯).

Conspirator and plotter refer to persons who are involved in a secret or underhanded agreement to do some evil act. Conspirators are those who take part in a conspiracy, which is a legal term denoting an intention to violate the law by a group of people acting in concert; in general use, it is applied to major crimes and even more particularly to treason. Plotters are implicated in an activity which has a sinister purpose, but which, even though it is difficult to plan and execute, may be petty in scope.


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