0007- Accumulation aggregation collection conglomeration
Accumulation aggregation collection conglomeration |
版权声明 |
All these words, as here considered, mean a mass of things that come or are brought together. They all imply that the things are neither merged with one another nor united organically in the resultant mass. |
这组词汇都表示大量的东西被收集或者自主的聚集在一起. 本组词汇表示的聚集都暗示了事物并不是彼此合并的那种聚集,也不是指有机的联合而形成的聚集(译注:nor united organically in the resultant mass.不确定此译法是否准确). |
Accumulation means that the things have come together by a series of additions rather than all at once. It often implies that the things are of the same kind, such as the accumulation of dust on surfaces, or of money in banks, and does not imply any coherence or organization in the mass gathered. |
Accumulation 表示事物因为一点一点的增加而聚集,而不是因为一次性的突然聚集.Accumulation通常暗示聚集在一起的事物时同一种类的的,比如物体表面灰尘的聚集,或者银行里钱的聚集,Accumulation并不聚集成任何的整体,也不表示表示一个组织成员的大量聚集. |
Collection and accumulation are often used interchangeably, but collection frequently implies a high degree of selection and organization in the mass collected: An accumulation of many specimens is needed when one is preparing a scientific collection. |
Collection和accumulation常常可互换着使用,但collection常常暗示收集的事物是经过高度挑选的,或者表示一个组织成员的大量聚集,例如:An accumulation of many specimens is needed when one is preparing a scientific collection(如果一个人要准备科技收藏(scientific collection),那么大量的标本积累(accumulation)是必不可少的,译注:每一种标本是accumulation表示精心挑选的,且是同一种类的). |
Aggregation always denotes a mass brought together that forms, in some sense, a coherent whole, but one that has a lesser degree of organization than dose a collection: An industrial empire is often an aggregation of unrelated enterprises. |
Aggregation通常意味着,被聚集的事物,从某种意义上说,因为聚集而形成了一个统一连贯的整体(组织),但是这个整体(组织)从数量级上说还不足以形成一个collection(译注:因为collection表示的量比较大).例如:An industrial empire is often an aggregation of unrelated enterprises(一个工业帝国通常是一些不相干的企业的集合). |
Conglomeration implies that many different and sometimes even incongruous things are brought together from widely scattered sources or regions: The population of New York City is a conglomeration of many different kinds of people from various countries. |
Conglomeration表示大量的不同类的,具有广泛来源和产地的事物被混合到一块,有时候这些事物甚至是相互不协调的.比如:The population of New York City is a conglomeration of many different kinds of people from various countries(纽约的城市人口由来自各个国家的不同人种的人组成). |
SEE: PILE. | 参考:PILE. |
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