0008- Accurate correct exact nice precise right true
0008- Accurate correct exact nice precise right true |
版权声明 |
Accurate, exact, precise and true, as here considered, agree in implying close conformity to an objective standard. |
Accurate(准确的), exact(精确的), precise(精密的)和true(真的,确实的)都表示与某种客观的标准吻合. |
Accurate suggests that there are degrees of conformity to such a standard and stresses the painstaking care necessary for the attainment of fidelity to truth or fact: It took a week of investigation to get an even reasonably accurate account of the accident. |
Accurate暗示与这种客观标准的吻合是存在某种度的(译注:比如100% 准确,或者80%准确这种),强调为了达到与这种真理或者事实高度吻合而付出了艰苦或者勤奋的努力.例如:It took a week of investigation to get an even reasonably accurate account of the accident((调查人员)花费了一个星期时间(译注:强调付出了努力)才得出了这次事故的合理准确的账目信息). |
Exact emphasizes extreme accuracy in measurable quantities and qualities: The exact wave length assigned to a transmitting station must always be maintained. |
Exact强调在度量数量或者品质时的极致的精确性.例如:The exact wave length assigned to a transmitting station must always be maintained(分配给某个发射台的波长必须保证绝对准确). |
Precise stresses great accuracy with regard to minute details: The assembling of the parts of a watch must be precise. |
Precise强调微小细节方面的精确性.例如:The assembling of the parts of a watch must be precise(拿来装配的手表零部件必须精确).(译注:minute表示分钟;之前了解到minute可以表示会议纪要,或者做动词:记录;现在居然可以当成形容词:微小的,艾玛,又涨姿势了…) |
True, as here considered, implies absolute accuracy, particularly in reproductions of an original: a true copy of a birth certificate. |
True,在这里表示绝对准确,特别是强调通过原件制作复制品时,强调复制品是真实准确的原件复制品.比如:a true copy of a birth certificate(出生证明的真实拷贝). |
Correct suggests the absence of error or fault and conformity to some standard. It is more general than the other words in this group because it applies to such things as taste and fashion as well as to truth or fact: the correct dress for a formal dinner. |
Correct(正确性)暗示不会出现错误或者故障,并与某种标准吻合. 在本组词汇中,Correct用途最为广泛,因为它不仅可以用于形容品位和时尚,也可以形容真理和事实.例如:the correct dress for a formal dinner(出席正式晚宴所穿着的得体礼服). |
Right is largely interchangeable with correct, but often adds a hint of moral approval: the right course of action. |
Right(对的)基本上可以和Correct互换着使用,但是,通常还含有道德允许的含义.例如:the right course of action(行为准则). |
Nice, in this sense, meaning a high or even an inordinate degree of precision or exactness, is passing out of usage, but it is still encountered in formal writing. |
Nice,在形容准确时表示高度的甚至极度的准确,这种用法基本上已经过时了,但是在正式的书面文中也仍然会遇到这种用法. |
SEE: DUPLICATE, GENUINE. ANTONYMS: erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, wrong. |
参见:DUPLICATE, GENUINE. 反义词:erroneous, false, inaccurate, incorrect, inexact, wrong. |
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