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0010- Acknowledge admit concede confess

 0010- Acknowledge admit concede confess


These words agree in meaning to accept openly, though with some reluctance, the truth or existence of a fact, condition, etc. One Acknowledges something embarrassing or awkward, and usually not voluntarily; more often, the acknowledgement is extracted from one more or less unwillingly: They general acknowledged that the war had not been going as well as expected, but he affirmed that a change in strategy would enhance the prospects of victory.

这组词汇都表示公开的,尽管有些不情愿的,承认一些真理,既成事实,条件等.通常会表示承认一些令人感到尴尬的和窘迫的事情,并且通常并非自愿的;更广泛的情况是, Acknowledgement(承认)表示的承认总是或多或少的带有一些不情愿的成份在里面.例如:They general acknowledged that the war had not been going as well as expected, but he affirmed that a change in strategy would enhance the prospects of victory(他们基本上承认了战争的走势不如预期那样号,但是他断言战争策略的改变将增大取胜的希望).

Admit is a bold acknowledgement of implication in something one has formerly tended to deny or to equivocate about: He admitted under questioning that he was in the service of a foreign power, but denied that he was guilty of espionage. 

Admit(承认不好、不快或尴尬的事实)是acknowledgement的强化版,Admit承认的事实通常是之前曾经否认过的,或者是模棱两可的.例如:He admitted under questioning that he was in the service of a foreign power, but denied that he was guilty of espionage(他承认他正在就服务于一个国外势力而接受调查,但是他否认犯有间谍罪).

One concedes, usually because of overwhelming evidence, something which he has been very reluctant to admit. [He had no choice but to concede that he had been guilty of bad judgement; In the face of the disastrous military battle, they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agreed to a negotiated surrender.] 

Concede(非常不情愿的)承认一些由大量证据证实的事情.例如:[He had no choice but to concede that he had been guilty of bad judgement(他别无选择,不得不承认他曾因错误的判断而内疚); In the face of the disastrous military battle, they conceded that victory was no longer attainable, and agreed to a negotiated surrender(面对伤亡惨重的军事战役,他们不得不承认胜利已经无望,只能同意投降谈判).] 

Confess is to admit guilt, as to a crime, or to admit to a shortcoming: to confess that he was an accomplice in the robbery; He confessed that he had never read Lady Chatterley’s Lover. 

Confess(坦白),对于犯罪事实来说,Confess表示承认有罪,也可以表示承认缺点.例如:to confess that he was an accomplice in the robbery(坦白他是抢 劫的同谋); He confessed that he had never read Lady Chatterley’s Lover(他承认他从来没看过《查泰莱夫人的情人》(Lady Chatterley’s Lover)).

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