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0012- Activity bustle commotion stir to-do

 0012- Activity bustle commotion stir to-do


Activity means the state of being in motion, or the expenditure of energy. Activity is a broad word, applicable to physical or mental exertions or pursuits by a person or a group, and is often used to convey the idea of a number of separate simultaneous or successive operations: the activity of the heart; a busy week filled with social activities.

Activity(活动)表示正在进行中的状态,或者是精力的消耗(译注:指需要消耗精力的事情.)Activity是一个用法广泛的词,可用来形容身体上活动的或者精神上的活动(译注:耗费精力),或者表示一个或一群人的消遣活动(译注:pursuit还可以当名词,表示娱乐活动,比如outdoor pursuits 户外活动),并且常常用来大量同时进行的单独活动,或者连续活动.例如:the activity of the heart(心脏活动); a busy week filled with social activities(满社会活动繁忙的一周充).

Bustle, commotion, stir and to-do all mean a feverish, noisy or excited activity by either an individual or a group. 

Bustle,commotion, stir和to-do都表示一种令人兴奋的,喧闹的或者令人激动的个人活动或者集体活动.

Bustle suggests busyness, activity with a purpose: the bustle on the floor of the Stock Exchange.

Bustle表示的活动是具有商业性的有目的性的活动,例如:the bustle on the floor of the Stock Exchange(证券交易所大厅里的喧闹的活动).

Commotion suggests excitement and noisy disorganization: the commotion in a schoolroom during the teacher’s absence.

Commotion表示一种令人兴奋的吵闹的混乱状态,例如:the commotion in a schoolroom during the teacher’s absence(没有教师的乱哄哄的教室).

Stir suggests excited movement or discussion: the stir aroused in the audience by the speaker’s remarks.

Stir表示令人激动得活动或者讨论,例如:the stir aroused in the audience by the speaker’s remarks(演讲者的讲话引起观众的轰动).

To-do hints at unnecessary or uncalled-for excitement: the to-do generated by the new secretary coming to work in slacks and flatties.

To-do暗示了不必要的或者多余的(uncalled-for)兴奋,例如:the to-do generated by the new secretary coming to work in slacks and flatties(新来的穿着休闲裤和平底鞋的秘书生成的待办事项列表).

ANTONYMS: inactivity, inertia, inertness, laziness, SLOTH.
参见: ACT.
反义词: inactivity, inertia, inertness, laziness, SLOTH.
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