0016-Add affix annex append attach
0016-Add affix annex append attach |
版权声明 |
Add, the most general word in this group, means to join or unite so as to increase the importance, size, quantity or scope of something: to add a new line of merchandise to one’s goods; to add a new wing to a building; to add five new salesmen to a staff; to add a touch of levity to an otherwise solemn speed. |
Add是这组词汇中最常用的,表示通过结合或者混合以便增加事物的重要性,尺寸,数量,范围等。例如:to add a new line of merchandise to one’s goods(增加一个新的商品线到某人的产品中); to add a new wing to a building(为大厦新建一个新的附楼); to add five new salesmen to a staff(员工里增加5个销售人员); to add a touch of levity to an otherwise solemn speed(庄严中添加一丝丝轻佻). |
Attach, as here considered, means to connect or join on as a part, and is close in some contexts to append: to attach a stipulation to a contract; to append a query to a manuscript. Append emphasizes that the addition is subordinate or minor in relation to the original work. Both words are formal, but attach has a legalistic ring to it lacking in append: to attach a rider to a bill; to append a footnote. Note that add could be used in place of wither of these words, but would make the tone less formal and therefore less impressive. |
Attach这里意思是作为一个部分连接或者结合到一个整体,在某些地方与append意思接近,例如:to attach a stipulation to a contract(附加一个条款到合同中); to append a query to a manuscript(添加一条质疑到手稿中).Append(追加)强调添加的事物相对于被追加事物来说是次要的。这两个词都是正式的用法,但是attach比append更有法律用语的意味。例如:to attach a rider to a bill(添加一个条款到法案中); to append a footnote(追加一个脚注). |
Affix means to fix or attach to: to affix a seal to a document. Affix is appropriate only in very formal contexts, as in the description of state affairs: The Govenor-General affixed his signature to the bill regulating assisted immigration. |
Affix表示修复或者附加,例如:to affix a seal to a document(给文件添加一个封条).Affix仅用于非常正式的上下文中,比如用于描述国家事务:The Govenor-General affixed his signature to the bill regulating assisted immigration(Govenor-General追加了他的签名到监管辅助移民的法案中). |
Annex means to add something as a supplement. It implies not only that the addition is a subordinate part, but often that the addition remains distinct: to annex an adjoining territory; to annex a building to an older one. |
Annex表示添加事物作为一种补充.通常暗示新增部分是次要的,但是新增部分通常是可区分的.例如:to annex an adjoining territory(吞并邻国领土); to annex a building to an older one(为一个建筑新建一个副楼). |
SEE: ENLARGE. ANTONYMS: abstract, deduct, LESSEN, REDUCE, subtract. |
参见: ENLARGE. 反义词: abstract, deduct, LESSEN, REDUCE, subtract. |
本文固定链接: https://www.jack-yin.com/english/synonym/1978.html | 边城网事
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