0024- Allegory fable parable
0024- Allegory fable parable |
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These words all denote a story told about fictional persons and events to teach or illustrate a moral principle. In an allegory or parable the moral is not stated, but is left to the hearer to discover. An allegory is usually long and elaborate, with many characters and incidents; a parable is brief, and typically shows the application of a moral precept to a familiar situation. |
这组词汇都表示一个故事,该故事讲述了一个虚构的人物或者事件,旨在教授或者阐述一个道德准则。在allegory(寓言)和parable(格言)中,上述的道德准则没有被明确的说出来,而是留给听者自己去发掘。allegory通常是很长的并且是复杂而周密的,包含很多的人物角色和相关事件;parable是简短的,通常演示了江道德格言应用于某种熟悉的场景。 |
A fable usually states the moral at the end, and is told in terms of animals that speak and reflect the nature of human beings. [Dante’s Divine Comedy is an allegory based on the struggle between the city-states of what is now Italy; The fable of the tortoise and the hare drives home the moral that steady, persistent application is more rewarding in the end than arrogant, unstable brilliance; The parables of the New Testament make abstract moral principles concrete and vivid.] |
fable通常在其结尾部分指明其阐述的道德准则,通过会讲话的动物反映人类的本性。例如:[Dante’s Divine Comedy is an allegory based on the struggle between the city-states of what is now Italy(但丁的神曲是一个寓言,基于坐落于今天的意大利的城邦之间德战争故事); The fable of the tortoise and the hare drives home the moral that steady, persistent application is more rewarding in the end than arrogant, unstable brilliance(龟兔赛跑的故事说明稳定持续的勤奋付出比 傲慢不稳定的辉煌更有价值); The parables of the New Testament make abstract moral principles concrete and vivid(新约全书使得抽象的道德准则更加具体和鲜明).] |
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