0025- Aloof detached reserved
0025- Aloof detached reserved |
版权声明 |
These words are comparable when applied to persons who are, or seem to be, emotionally distant from others. |
这组词汇表示人们在感情上疏远他人,或者是看起来像是在疏远他人。 |
Aloof is applied to persons who are distant in manner or interest, as from a reluctance to associate with those whom they regard as intellectual or social inferiors, or because of habitual shyness or idiosyncrasy. [She held herself aloof from society, preferring to spend her days and nights dwelling on her memories; She always affected a grand, aloof manner with us poor middle-class people who work for a living.] |
Aloof用于表示人们在行为或者兴趣方面与别人疏远,因为他们不情愿与知识分子或者在社交上比自己低级的人交往,或者因为一种习惯性的害羞或者他们有个人独有的癖好。例如:[She held herself aloof from society, preferring to spend her days and nights dwelling on her memories(她让自己疏远社会,情愿把时间花费在回忆中); She always affected a grand, aloof manner with us poor middle-class people who work for a living(她总是装出(译注:affect假装)一种高贵(译注:自视高贵的表不满),冷漠的样子,不愿与我们这种为谋生而工作的中产阶级为伍).] |
Detached means free from emotional or intellectual involvement, and often suggests the neutral attitude of the impartial observer: the doctor’s detached approach to pain. Detached may also mean inwardly distracted, emotionally untouchable. [He always seems so detached about everything; you just can’t reach him at all.] |
Detached(超然的)表示不受情感或者理智的影响,并且通常在他人看来是处于中立态度的,例如:the doctor’s detached approach to pain(医生对疼痛的超然态度).Detached也可指内心不分心,或者情感上不可捉摸。例如:[He always seems so detached about everything(他总是看起来对任何事情都无所谓的样子); you just can’t reach him at all(你就是捉摸不透他).] |
Reserved implies reluctance to express one’s feelings or thoughts. Where reserved emphasizes manner, detached stresses attitude. Both reserved and detached can be associated with attractive qualities, whereas aloof is seldom so considered. [He was a diffident, scholarly fellow with a reserved but genial manner; He looked about him with a very detached air, and announced to no one in particular that he was about to be sick.] |
Reserved(矜持的)表示不情愿发表自己的感想。reserved强调行为习惯,而detached强调态度。reserved和detached都可表示一种有魅力的品质,而aloof很少有此含义。例如:[He was a diffident, scholarly fellow with a reserved but genial manner(他是一个害羞但博学的人,行为矜持而友善); He looked about him with a very detached air, and announced to no one in particular that he was about to be sick(他默默地看着他,并没有对特定的任何人,宣布道: 他将要生病了).] |
SEE: DISTANT. ANTONYMS: communicative, GREGARIOUS, neighbourly, sociable, TALKATIVE. |
参见: DISTANT. 反义词: communicative, GREGARIOUS, neighbourly, sociable, TALKATIVE. |
本文固定链接: https://www.jack-yin.com/english/synonym/2028.html | 边城网事