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0027- Ambassador envoy legate minister nuncio plenipotentiary

 0027- Ambassador envoy legate minister nuncio plenipotentiary


These words all denote a diplomatic representative of a head of state or of a government. An ambassador is a diplomatic officer of the highest rank, appointed as the representative of one government to another. An ambassador extraordinary is one sent on a special mission, as distinguished from one, called an ambassador ordinary, who resides permanently in the country to which he is assigned.

这组词汇都表示一个国家或政府的外交代表。ambassador表示最高等级的外交官,与其他政府交涉时能代表一个政府的。ambassador特指因为一个特殊人物而指派的,不同于常规的大使(ambassador ordinary)的是,ambassador将常驻与其被指派到的国家。

A minister is a diplomatic representative of lower rank than an ambassador. A minister sent on a special mission is called an envoy. Nuncio and legate are diplomatic representative of the Holy See, or Vatican State. A nuncio is an accredited ambassador of the Pope in a foreign country; a legate is a papal envoy, i.e. a diplomatic representative of the Pope dispatched to a country on a special mission.


A plenipotentiary describes any person fully empowered to represent a government, whether he be an ambassador, minister or envoy. The term is most commonly applied to minister plenipotentiary, who, though ranking below ambassadors, are nevertheless invested with full authority to conduct important matters of state in the name of their government.

plenipotentiary(全权代表)表示全权代表一个政府的人,不管他是ambassador, minister or envoy。plenipotentiary通常用于表示minister,尽管minister的等级比ambassador低,却以政府的名义全权处理重大事项。

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