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Annual Spring Festival

Annual Spring Festival 

Annual Spring Festival has passed already. It seems that I should not just get an additional year of my age from my Spring Festival. What I really need now is being more mature. But how? That’s the problem! They say a man is getting mature when he finally realizes his immaturity. I absolutely agree! Since we have found our immaturity, we should get rid of it, although it maybe sounds a bit sentimental.

For instance, obviously, everyone loves his parents, but the most important thing is to voice the love. Yes, give mouth to it, and do something to prove your love. Do something or say something to make parents take the love, and let them feel happy. If we’ve learned how to do that, maybe we will be more mature. So give voice to our opinions, and try to communicate with parents, friends, classmates, etc to let them know exactly what you are thinking about as well as to know what they are thinking about, and that may give a hand to us to be more mature.

Another thing that can help us to be more mature is taking the responsibility. Firstly, realize the responsibility, and then take it. Since male man means responsibility, we take the responsibility; we will be an adult man not just a boy any more.

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本文固定链接: https://www.jack-yin.com/thinking/1405.html | 边城网事

该日志由 边城网事 于2009年02月06日发表在 胡思乱想 分类下, 你可以发表评论,并在保留原文地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客。
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